Pytt i panna.....kimistyle! What does that actually mean?? Well, how about if we start with some juicy, sliced ribeye steak, place it on a bed of provencale potato and top it with saut←ed onions, poached egg and serve it with roasted baby beets!! Typically in Sweden, this dish is prepared from leftovers! So, in a traditional fashion you would take any leftover meat and dice it up together with your leftover boiled potatoes.....and if you know anyone Swedish, you know how much they love their boiled potatoes!! Finally you'd top it with a fried egg and some beets! Well, I thought it would be nice to update this traditional dish and spiff it up a bit! This way you can serve this dish for family and friends and really love the presentation! Otherwise, if you are in a hurry and want to get rid of your leftovers.......please go to the Traditional Swedish Pytt i Panna recipe and make that one instead! Either would make a fantastic dinner!

Sm¥klig m¥ltid!


20 minutes prep time, 30 - 40 minutes cooking time

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